1. REMEMBER, FIRST OF ALL that worship on Rally Day Sunday is still 9:00 am.
2.The Sunday School staff will be commissioned during the worship service which will begin with a procession of children. As they enter the sancturary, the congregantion will sing "Do, Lord" and "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." Our worship theme for this day will be "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, For the Bible Tells Me So!"
3.After the worship service, from 10:30- noon, there will be games and fun activities for all ages.
4. Rally Day lunch will feature the flapjack-flippin' masters from Chris Cakes. Food will be served from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm for $5 a plate. Come on now, where can you get breakfast or lunch for 5 bucks!
5. Later in the day, from 4:00-7:00 pm, Pastor Sherer will lead a Lay-Leadership workshop downstairs in the fellowship hall. This workshop is designed for all the leaders of the congregation - anyone who serves on a comitte or board, or who helps with education, music or ANYTHING AT ALL! Naturally, all members are welcome to come if they'd like to get in on the conversations around mission, ministry and witness at St Paul Lutheran.